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But consistency can have a downside – especially when it is in the form of something always seeming to go wrong at the beginning of a boating adventure. I hoped that this time I could break my pattern. But as luck would have it I found myself sitting in Therapy once again with a problem facing me right from the start (actually “wadding beside Therapy” would describe the situation better but more on that in a moment). After my Illinois River trip in September I had planned to keep Therapy fairly close to home until spring. I had quite a bit going on in October and when November rolls around in Illinois the weather can get real questionable. November also brings along shorter days that limit the amount of river miles I can log. Plus the nights are now lasting 13 hours and although the Cabin Skiff’s berth is comfortable it seems to shrink appreciably when occupied that long. I decided I would be content just to run the Kaskaskia River and venture on the Mississippi off and on to provide the boating “fix” I seem to need on a weekly basis. But November of 2001 brought along some pleasant surprises. The weather all this month has been vary mild and has provided some excellent boating. Still I was staying local. But as the third weekend approached I just couldn’t stand it any more. My wife was going to be busy all weekend working as a volunteer at a craft fair lunch stand so I was on my own anyway. Plus the weather forecast was superb – the high temperatures were to be in the low 70’s with the lows only dropping to the mid 50’s. To make it even sweeter the winds looked like they would be next to dead calm. I decided Therapy and I were going somewhere. I wanted to explore some new water but since I was just planning an overnighter I really didn’t want to drive hours to get to a drop-in site. By now my wake has parted most of the nearby rivers so I really had only one choice – the Missouri River.
But I have to admit that I had become somewhat apprehensive.
I had studied the chart and read as much as I could find about the Missouri
as well as talked to a few people that had some experience navigating it.
Here are a few of the “facts” that I found -
There are some negatives but also some positives so it is only fair that I list them too -
I had originally planned to drop in at Alton and then use Lock 26 (Melvin Price) but then I learned about another ramp at Riverview MO that would be a little closer drive. The gentleman that does my prop repair (I see him frequently!) told me there was a nice concrete ramp with a parking lot that was regularly patrolled by the police. He stated he uses it often to access an island on the Mississippi where he hunts. Using this ramp will require me to use Lock 27 (Chain of Rocks) and then run about 14 miles to the Missouri. Altogether it would amount about 23 miles on the Mississippi before I hit the confluence. In addition I calculated that because of the limited daylight the farthest I could probably make in one day was to Jefferson City (capital of MO) at the 144 mile marker for a total of 167 miles. In order to make Jefferson City I would need about 40 gallons of gas. My tanks hold 25 and I was willing to take along 6 more in my portable tank but that would still leave me short. Quimby’s Cruising Guide stated that there should be fuel available April through November at the 82 MM so if I could fill up there the trip was possible. I decided to call ahead but in my numerous attempts the phone went unanswered.
There was one problem with an otherwise perfect weather forecast – fog. On Friday morning it was reported heavy around the Mississippi and they were predicting that Saturday morning would be more of the same. I decided to conserve all the daylight I could so I left home early enough to reach the ramp just before sunrise. When I got to the ramp the fog was patchy but not bad. I backed down the long narrow incline and noticed that the last 8 to 10 feet before the water was covered with mud left when the water had receded. This didn’t thrill me but I was there and anxious to go so I decided to back on in. I slid Therapy off the trailer with a rope attached to the bow and pulled her up beside of the trailer. I then proceeded to TRY to pull the trailer out. The combination of the muddy ramp and a pickup truck with no weight in the rear end allowed the wheels to just spin. Fortunately, by rocking it back and forth I managed to drag it clear and head to the parking lot. But here I am again. I have a problem! If I could barely pull out the empty trailer there was no way that I was going to be able to get the boat and trailer out! I decided at this point it was too late to worry about it. I knew I would have to deal with the situation at some point but I might as well make the run and decide what to do on the way back.