The extension of the side decks across the transom (aft decks?) needed to be wider than I had hoped in order to accommodate the steering cable. My first thought was to just box them and let it go but then I realized there was a nice storage area going to waste on the port side. I decided to add a bottom and hinge a lid along the aft edge. This should make a good spot to store the transom hold down straps when off the trailer and I will probably keep ropes for mooring here too.
There were several reasons for this. First, since I had used 3/4" plywood with interior cleats at the junctions the boxes were much more rigid than I had thought they would be. Second, I plan to paint the boxes but carpet the sole and sides. This will be easier if I can just remove the boxes and lay the carpet rather than trying to cut around them. Third, because of my problem with the reaction to the epoxy I am trying to avoid it when it is practical (the inside of the hull was encapsulated with epoxy before I stitched the hull).
Now that I can stand back and look at the entire boat I wonder if I should have used the boxes under the seats as the area for the fuel tanks and moved the bulk storage to the transom? Fuel fills on each side through the forward deck would allow filling and fuel lines could have run under the rear decks from each tank to the outboard. I don't think I would have wanted to run a connecting hose between the two below the sole because it would not be accessible for repair. But then again a 6" or 8" deck plate could have been added on each side to allow access to the connections. If the CS handles the weight of the fuel OK then I like what I have done as I prefer the fuel at the rear. Actually at speed it it is better there BUT you have to get on plane first. If it doesn't handle it there - well - I guess I screwed up! Right now I am thinking It will be OK but time will tell. Also, if the tanks were below the seats I could
have made the storage areas at the transom lower and the lids could have
served as rear seats. As it is they are too high off the sole and
it makes it somewhat uncomfortable to sit on them. Lower would be
better or then again maybe I am just too short!.
Port storage boxes at transom. Starboard aft deck & steering cable.