Cruising the Tennessee
in a Cabin Skiff
It’s three o’clock in the morning, very dark, drizzling rain
and here I am making my way across Kentucky Lake looking for a sheltered
cove. I know there is a shore over there somewhere but I’ll be darned
if can see it. An old proverb says that a trip of a thousand miles
begins with one step and I am sitting here at the wheel thinking I am about
to stumble trying to take it.
For a couple years I have had the urge to do some serious river
cruising. I have been a boater more than twenty-five years but have
seldom ventured far from home. I am fortunate that with in an hours drive
I have the choice of several nice lakes and rivers. But lately I find my
view of them has become routine and I developed a burning desire to explore
new water.
In fact, the yearning was so strong I built a small boat specifically
to make long river trips. After looking a many different designs
I decided that the Cabin Skiff by Glen-L
fit my criteria and I purchased the plans. The finished product is
18-foot, all plywood. and powered by a 50 hp Honda four stroke outboard.
There is a small berth that will sleep two and the pilothouse is enclosed.
Equipment is minimal but includes a mapping GPS, depth finder and handheld
VHF radio. No, I won’t be traveling in the lap of luxury but it will
cruise at 25 mph and yield about 9 mpg. Like many people, our household
has budgetary constraints and although boating is high on my list it is still
below making the mortgage payment. For me at this time in my life this is
the perfect boat. A few of my friends have said it is way too small
for this type of cruising but I am about to try to prove them wrong.
Even with somewhat limited experience I still knew that heading
out for several days down unknown waters is a whole different game than spending
the afternoon at the lake. Obviously some planning was in order.
I decided a Tennessee
River chart from the Corps of Engineers and a Quimby’s Cruising Guide were
both mandatory equipment and obtained copies of both. After a few short shake
out runs I felt I was ready and decided on a 900 mile adventure on the Tennessee
The plan was to trailer my boat to the top of Kentucky Lake near Paducah, KY and
head upstream to Chattanooga TN. The chart put the mileage at 442
and since this was to be a round trip that number would be doubled.
My best guess that it would take six days to make the run. The actual
mileage could be covered in just four days but I knew it would probably take
considerably longer. The problem was that I would need to pass through five locks each
way. And I had learned from experience that delays can range from
40 minutes to more than four hours at each! So the plan was for six days
to be on the safe side.
One of the reasons I choose this trip was the abundance of
marinas along the way. This would make fuel management a minimal
issue. Also, with a little luck each day I would be able to reach
a marina or town with a restaurant for the evening meal. With no cooking
facilities onboard lunch would be sandwiches from the ice chest so a decent
meal in the evening would be welcome.
My planned day of departure finally arrived and as usual something
came up at the office and I got away late. By the time I dropped
the boat in at Green Turtle Bay Marina on Lake Barkley it was almost dark.
I thought for a moment about leaving it on the trailer and just sleeping
there but this was a “boat” trip and the idea was to spend the time on the
water not a parking lot. I backed down the ramp and slid it in.
There was a light rain falling but I quickly made the two
mile run on Barkley and through the canal to enter Kentucky Lake at about
the 25 mile marker. The wind was out of the east so I decided to anchor
along the eastern shore for shelter. I pulled into a small cove that
was fairly open the lake but since the wind was from the opposite direction
the water was calm. I thought it would work just fine for the night.
This was mistake #1. I dropped the anchor and I decided just to attach
the rope to a cleat in the center of the hull rather than go out and walk
around the cabin in the rain and use the forward cleat – mistake #2.
All was well until about two o’clock when the wind shifted
and started out of the northwest. The waves really weren’t that large
but the boat was sitting sideways to the wind because of the centered anchor
cleat. The waves were smacking the hull making noise and causing it rock enough
to keep me awake. Not knowing if it would get worse I decided to head for
the opposite shore about a mile away and find a more sheltered cove.
The clouds had completely swallowed the moon and in the dark
the lake and shore had become one. Fortunately I had the mapping GPS
and it allowed me locate a suitable spot and then direct me there.
I took it slow and had no problems. Crawling back into the berth I hoped that
this wasn’t a preview of things to come.