Impressions of the Cabin Skiff!
The first two times on the water revealed that I had a major problem and I have been working to over come it. The problem is that the CS was riding very bow high and even at full down trim I can't get it lowered to where it should be. After talking with Glen at Glen-L he suggested that I run a straight edge along the bottom of the hull from the transom forward to see what I had. I was sure it was straight but couldn't hurt to check. I used a 4' straight edge.
So now I need a fix. I stated that I could crawl under it and
build it up to where it should be (no fun but I could do it). Glen
said this would work but he was betting since I have placed fuel tanks
on the transom (I had not added fuel there at that point - using a 6 gal
portable) I would probably need
Also, even trimmed correctly it rides with the bow higher than I expected and as result I raised the seat height about 2" which allows a better view over the bow. I still have plenty of head room but I needed to make a small platform to sit on the sole in front of the seat as a foot rest. Without it my feet barely touch the floor. How's it doing? So far I am pleased. It is a little noisy in the cockpit but I expected that (more on this later). The sound from the engine seems to be more or less trapped in the enclosure. It's not bad just more than what I am use to with my open boats. I am hoping the addition of carpet will help some.
At cruise it handles nice when properly trimmed. If you bump the trim up too far the bow starts to "wander". Nothing serious at all but it just seems to float around side to side. If you trim higher it will then start to bounce letting you know its too high. I have cut several tight corners at speed and as long as I trim down it comes around just fine. If you don't the prop may blow out but really no more than my other boats. The ride is about what I expected. This is not a deep "v".
In mild chop you feel it. At 25 mph the boat is riding with most
of the deeper "V"ed bow out of the water and on the flatter area from the
mid section back. Naturally slowing down on rough water helps a lot but
if you are used to just pounding on through with a deep v it will be a