A Vital Question!!
If you were to stand before GOD and He asked you why He should let you into Heaven, what would you answer? If you're not sure, you can have the assurance you would be in Heaven if you read John, Chapter 3 in The New Testament.
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The mighty Angel stood seven feet tall.  His muscles rippled under the white ankle length robe bordered with gold at the collar,  sleeve cuff and the hem.  He swung his crystal blade and two more Demons fell to their fate puffing out of existence;  sent back to their Master for punishment,  torture and to once again begin the task of clawing their way up the ladder of success at the expense of their fellow demons.  They would do anything for the hope of serving in Satan’s army just to be defeated once again,  and start the heartbreaking,  endless process over and over again.

Above are the opening lines of The ANTIDOTE. If you like what you read and wish to read more, click on the book cover and read the entire first chapter.
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Split the Eastern Sky - The Third Installment of the COVENANT TRILOGY
General Worl stood high on the hill watching the battle that was raging below.  He was surrounded by a haze of reddish yellow sulfuric smoke, which was threatening to block his view.  It was caused by the hundreds of demons who had been charging Worl's position for the last hour.  Worl's faithful guards, Left and Right, had been slashing, blocking, and spending the entire hour killing one demon after another in protection of Worl allowing him to direct his men in this mighty warfare.

Above are the opening lines of Split the Eastern Sky. If you like what you read and wish to read more, click on the book cover and read the entire first chapter.
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The Demon Slayer - The Second Installment of the COVENANT TRILOGY
In the realm between heaven and hell dwell the angels and the demons. They are constantly at war over human souls, awaiting the Day of Judgment promised by the Lord Jesus Christ. One of these mighty warrior angels broke free and invaded the realm of time and space. He blazed across the star-studded night sky, like a shooting star...

Above are the opening lines of The Demon Slayer. If you like what you read and wish to read more, click on the book cover and read the entire first chapter.
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A Darkness Over Covenant - Book One
The demon streaked across the night sky amid flashes of unnatural lightning. He landed on the roof of the building and hunkered there like a gruesome gargoyle on an ancient temple. Beside him knelt a human sniper.......................

Above are the opening lines of A Darkness Over Covenant. If you like what you read and wish to read more, click on either book cover and read the entire first chapter.
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John Chapter 3 - The most well known verse, John 3:16
John 3:16 - For GOD so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. NIV
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